a woman's hand signing a check to her favorite charity

Giving a donation in someone’s name is a popular form of gift giving. If you’ve been considering which charities to donate to this year, or if loved ones have hinted that they need gift ideas for you, look no further. We’ve put together a list of hearing-related charities.


Hearing Charities of America

Through awareness, volunteerism, and philanthropy, Hearing Charities of America (HCOA) provides resources to hearing professionals and those with hearing loss. Notable programs supported by HCOA include:

  • Scholarship programs for deaf and hard-of-hearing students
  • SAFEEars!, which raises awareness among young people about hearing and hearing loss
  • The Hearing Aid Project, which helps organizations come together to provide hearing-assistive devices to low-income individuals


Hearing Loss Association of America

Per the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) stated intent, the “HLAA seeks to enable people with hearing loss to live life fully and without compromise.” It provides tools for self-help and resources for friends and family, raises awareness among the public about the needs of those with hearing loss, and educates about all aspects of hearing loss. It has also cultivated an extensive online community to connect people all over the country.


Global Foundation for Children With Hearing Loss

The Global Foundation for Children With Hearing Loss was founded by a woman who was born profoundly hard of hearing and who benefited directly from early intervention and support. The Global Foundation partners with local organizations and government entities in developing countries — chiefly Vietnam and Mongolia — to provide deaf and hard-of-hearing children the support they need. They also provide in-country mentoring and training to families, teachers, and medical professionals.


Hearing Health Foundation

Hearing Health Foundation (HHF) is a nonprofit funder of research on hearing and balance. Through research, raising awareness, and education, it hopes to normalize, prevent, and cure hearing loss and tinnitus. Major research programs include:

  • Hearing Restoration Project, which seeks to find new ways to regenerate the cells in your inner ear that facilitate hearing
  • Emerging Research Grants, which helps those just beginning a career in hearing and balance research
  • Ménière’s Disease Grants, which seeks to advance our understanding of this inner-ear and balance disorder


American Society for Deaf Children

Through mentoring, advocacy, resources, and collaborative networks, the American Society for Deaf Children (ASDC) provides information for those making decisions on behalf of deaf and hard-of-hearing children — family members, medical professionals, advocates, and legislators. They hope to empower deaf and hard-of-hearing children and their families to embrace full access to language-rich environments.


Dogs for Better Lives

Originally called Dogs for the Deaf, this organization expanded their focus and is now Dogs for Better Lives. They train and place assistance dogs with the deaf and hard of hearing, those on the autism spectrum, and professionals whose clients might find it calming to have an assistance dog present — physicians, teachers, and counselors, for example. Assistance dogs help those with hearing loss by alerting them to household sounds, such as a doorbell, an alarm clock, or keys being dropped, and leading them to the sound’s source.


Service Dogs for Veterans (NEADS World Class Service Dogs)

Service Dogs for Veterans is a program from NEADS, formerly known as National Education for Assistance Dog Services. Having specially designed the program to meet the needs of veterans, they match — at no cost — service dogs with U.S. veterans who are profoundly hard of hearing or deaf, have a permanent physical disability, or have progressive conditions such as MS. They also match dogs with veterans who have combat-related PTSD.

Contact us today if you suspect you — or someone you love — has a hearing loss.