Get the Latest Info from An Audiologist You Can Trust

Until you experience them, hearing difficulties may not seem like much of a concern. Thankfully, if you have experienced hearing loss firsthand or because of a loved one, help is nearby. You are at the right place for definitive answers to the serious problems you face related to hearing loss, why to get checked, how to prevent damage to your hearing, and more.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to reach out to our office to get help, no strings attached. We’re glad to talk to you about the latest discoveries in hearing health.

Hearing Loss

Even relatively mild hearing loss can seriously disrupt how we interact and connect with others. Without healthy hearing, the consequences for our social and mental health — and physical health, in some cases — become greater, and overall quality of life can plummet...

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Signs of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is an insidious health malady in that most people don’t know they’re experiencing it until too late — and even then, they may assume that it’s a temporary problem.

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Communication Tips

Better hearing requires more than just hearing aids. Hearing your best means having the right technology — fit specifically to your unique hearing needs — for the environments you find yourself in most often, and maximizing that technology with better communication strategies...

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Binaural Hearing

Hearing well with both ears not only takes advantage of our ears’ critical ability to identify the location of sound (a surprisingly important component of our ability to listen and to focus on sound effectively)...

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Types of Hearing Care Providers

Individuals looking for hearing loss treatment face a number of challenges, including medical terms that may be unfamiliar and categories of healthcare professionals that may seem confusing. For instance, what is the difference between an audiologist and a hearing instrument specialist?

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How to Protect Your Hearing

Exposure to excessive noise levels (greater than 85 decibels) during work or other activities can significantly increase your risk of hearing loss, or exacerbate an existing hearing impairment...

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Balance & Dizziness

Dizziness or loss of balance, sometimes referred to as vertigo, is the second most common complaint that doctors hear. According to the National Institutes of Health, dizziness will occur in 70 percent of Americans at some point in their lives...

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Auditory Processing Evaluation

Auditory processing disorder (APD), a neurological condition also known as central auditory processing disorder (CAPD), affects the brain’s ability to process auditory input, making it difficult to understand speech, follow oral instructions, or distinguish speech in noisy environments...

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Hearing Health & Dementia Prevention

Get the facts on the importance of seeking regular hearing tests. Hearing loss affects more than the ability to communicate...

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